Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy National Healthcare Decisions Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day is a nationwide activity to increase public awareness of advance directives such as health care proxies, with two key goals:

  • encourage individuals to express their wishes regarding who will make health care decisions for them if and when they cannot, and
  • stimulate discussion with providers regarding these wishes.
(from my job's intranet site)

After becoming a mom, I followed my sister's lead and decided to do both a living will/health care proxy and a last will & testament. I pay for legal assistance through my job and was able to download a DIY legal documents application from ARAG. Basically, I just entered my information in their templates and Woila! I had a will. Of course, I haven't had anyone witness or sign it it's "technically" not valid.

More importantly, I discussed what was in the will with my immediate family and partner. I strongly believe that decisions made regarding the future of your child should not be kept a secret! My parents took it well that Mark would be the legal guardian in the event of my demise, but I think we still need to make his relationship with Henri legal in some way.

You always think you have "time" but, really, you never know. I'm pretty cynical about death (especially suicide--my favorite type of death) but--all joking aside--you can't expect anyone--even those closest to you--to be able to read your mind. If you have an opinion, which, I'm sure you do, then let someone know, write it down and have a witness sign it. That way, you can rest peacefully for the rest of your death, knowing everything is still being controlled by you.


KFrayz said...

i am writing my wishes down---

cremate me, smoke my ass in a joint, and violet gets 2 cups food (natural veggie doggie food ONLY!) 2X PER DAY.

will you be my witness.

i like e-mail