Thursday, June 19, 2008

decorating thoughts

i've been doing a little research on what makes a great room great (yes, watching HGTV non-stop from after work until 1 AM counts as "Research") and i've come to believe it is A) all in the details (duh!) and B) the most important detail is the artwork. i would love to be able to afford real artwork, even local artwork, especially self-portraits other than my own...but, i can't. even as an artist, it's one of those things i have trouble spending dough on (unlike, everything else i buy to decorate a room...). why, i don't know. will have to think on that more later. but, what i DO know is that i need to start making some art for our space to be decorated with instead of just thinking of art that would look great in our space, only to forget the idea before i make it. i don't know if this is feasible before the housewarming party, because i think it's something that's probably best done after you have furniture and other things all in, it takes time (despite what TLC and HGTV and DIY and all those other networks might lead you to believe), even when doing it yourself, it still takes *some* money. i wonder if the idea is just to make art when you feel inspired/have some cash and THEN decide where to put it. if it doesn't match, then re-do the room. ha ha. just kidding. if it doesn't match, give it away... ?


Melissa Crowe said...

Makes me feel like why don't more poor artists trade their work with each other? Wouldn't that be a fun party--every body makes a pieces of wall art and brings it, and then you could do some kind of fun yankee swap type deal. I'm gonna do this!

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